The Glory of Suffering
The whole world is filled with suffering. The Buddhists believe that it is the one constant in human existence and that all religion should be based on finding an escape from the suffering of the world. Yet, Christianity claims the power to find glory even in suffering. We look today at the glory of suffering.
By His Stripes
Faith in Islam amounts to a slavelike submission to the power and will of God.
Our Incorruptible Foundation
Our salvation and eternity is not based on cunningly told myths and fables. Rather, it is founded on the incorruptible book of God, blood of Christ, and bounty of the believer.
Ye Are No More Strangers
In this portion of Ephesians we begin to see God’s plan for us fulfilled as He broke down the wall of partition that would divide between Jew and Gentile.
How to Teach the Bible 0002 - Lesson 3
A Bible college course which teaches the importance of Bible teaching and basics of how to teach the Bible
The Revelation of the One Body
Paul was thrilled to be in the ministry and be able to share the good news to those who did not know Christ. Shouldn’t we be the same?
Are You Losing Your Mind
The Lord asked you to love Him with your mind and it will be impossible to do so if your mind wanders and is doubtful.
The Greatness of Our God
The distance between man and God is great. This is partly based on the greatness of God, but the distance is magnified even more by the lowliness of man.
The Coming King
What problems are you enduring that you cannot endure for a little while longer, knowing that the Lord Jesus will reign over all of the world.
The Cycle of Love
How should we love our brethren? Like the Son loves us and like the Father loves the Son.