Longing for the Courts of the Lord
The tabernacles of the Lord; A refuge they provide. How amiable to visit them; To wait on God inside.
My longing soul desires the Lord; T’appear within His courts. My heart and flesh cry out for Him: My strength, my tower, my fort!
Inside the altar of the Lord, The sparrow builds her nest; May place be found within these courts, Where I may take my rest.
That man who finds his strength in God; Whose heart is stayed on Him; Will find that blessings from the Lord, Make earthly joys grow dim.
When passing through the valley dark, Where hearts are filled with pain; The desert sands become a well; God sends refreshing rain.
The Lord of hosts hears every prayer; From strength to strength renews. God’s holy servants will ascend, To stand within His view.
To stand one day before the Lord; His beauty to behold; Exceeds a thousand days without; Whatever they may hold.
To keep the door in God’s own house; What pleasure that would be! Much more than dwelling in the tents, Where earthly pleasures be.
The Lord provides His brilliant light, And shields me from all harm. He gives me grace for every day; The glory of His arm.
No good that ever comes my way, Will be withheld from me; If I will walk in His sweet will, His blessings I will see.
NOTE: This hymn is written in Common Meter and can be sung to the tunes of numerous old songs. Try it to the tune of Amazing Grace.