Antioch News - April 5, 2007
I know that my wife has already sent out a notice about this week's report from the doctor. However, we have different sets of addresses and I believe it good to give my own report. In short, we found out Tuesday that despite the chemotherapy the tumors in my body continue to multiply and grow. The cancer is not responding to treatment and I am almost certainly only a few weeks from departing this world.
The doctors are going to try to do some radiation therapy on my original and largest tumor in order to control the pain there. However, this is only palliative care and is not meant to cure anything. Please pray for me as I go through this one last series of treatments. Lying down on the table for the treatment can be very painful for me.
Please do not mourn for me as if this were some great tragedy. This is clearly God's timing and He makes everything beautiful in His time. He has decided that I have finished my course and that is His call. I go to be with Him. Enoch lived in a time when the average lifespan was about 900 years. Yet, God called him up after only 365. We do not consider this a tragedy. Neither is my departure.
My prayer is for my wife and family and for the church I have ministered in for about 29 years. I covet your prayers for the same. Also, remember me as I approach the end. I will be dealing with breathing problems and increased pain. I trust God's grace to be sufficient for these things.